Empower | Engage | Educate

Hilltop Dental’s Blog & Community Corner

Empower: We believe in empowering our community by getting involved and giving back. Hilltop Dental is proud to support and participate in numerous community initiatives, ensuring that the smiles of Des Moines go beyond our clinic doors.

Engage: At our practice, we believe in engaging with our patients and our community, to nurture lasting relationships. Through local sponsorships and outreach events, our hope is to work towards a healthier, brighter future for everyone.

Educate: We believe in not only educating our community on dental health practices but continually educating ourselves, which is why we actively seek out educational opportunities to expand our knowledge of oral health and the dental industry.

At Hilltop Dental, our care extends beyond the clinic. Dive into our dental blog posts for valuable information, tips and tricks about dental health and, of course, take a look at how we’re making a real impact beyond the dental chair with our community posts!

The Importance of Frequent Flossing: Why this Simple Act Can Have a Profound Impact on Your Oral Health
You've probably heard it countless times: "Don't forget to floss!" …